Speed SF's 2015 Year End Banquet at GoKart Racer

Yesterday, we attended Speed SF's Year End Banquet at GoKart Racer in Burlingame. We met a couple of people and had a great time. 

The event started off with free food and drinks. Pizza, pasta, salad, and cookies. Great for meat- and dairy-lovers. Not so great for vegans (even the salad had cheese). Womp womp. But it looked yummy!

After eating and mingling, Speed SF announced the 2015 season winners. For those who are not familiar with how this works, people that drive at their track events can pay extra to enter into their Speed SF Challenge. To register, you must first determine your class points using their calculator and this determines what class you're in.

At registration on the day of the event, you are given their lap timer (that you must return at the end of the day) and every lap time you get that day is recorded. Your best time is what determines your standing of the day. However, those who have entered the challenge get a special 'extra' session during lunch break. This is different from all the other sessions because only challenge participants are allowed on the track and they are first lined up according to their best times so far. At the end of the day, winners receive awards and trophies. Each win accumulates points and those points are added up at the end of the year....which brings us to this banquet. So participants of the Speed SF Challenge won some really nice trophies and awards with hefty coupon codes for more track events!

After the awards ceremony, it was time for the go kart race. About 20 drivers registered, and they were split into teams of two. The race was endurance-style for one hour, and each pair had to switch driving a total of three times. 

There were some really impressive drivers out there. Looked pretty tiring but fun. Jon did NOT get first place, finally (lol) but we had a great time.